Monday 27 February 2017

Renal ultrasound

I had the last of my latest series of kidney tests done today.  It was a renal ultrasound, which is pretty much exactly like the ultrasounds I had when I was pregnant (goo smeared on your abdomen, devices swooshed around over the goo, pictures on a screen).  Luckily, this time there were no living beings inhabiting me, just my kidneys!

I had to lie on my side, then my back, then my other side so that they could get a really good look.  The technician wasn't sure that the cyst she found was even the thing they'd asked her to look for because it was so tiny so she got a second opinion from the consultant.  In the end they both agreed that it was indeed that tiny cyst, which they thought was so insignificant as to have no effect on my donation - yay!  I was feeling really pleased until she said that some urine wasn't fully draining from one of my ureters - the tiny tubes that go from your kidneys to your bladder.  It was only a small amount - but could potentially mean I need further tests - SIGH.  More news as it breaks...

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